Dr. B Srimuruganandam

Designation : Professor Grade 1
School / Centre : Centre for Clean Environment
Department : Environmental and Water Resources Engineering

Educational Details

Pondicherry University

Civil Engineering
Graduated in 2003

Pondicherry University

Environmental Engineering
Graduated in 2005

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Environmental Engineering/Air Pollution
Graduated in 2012

Research Details

Areas of Specialization
  • Air Quality and Exposure Assessment
  • Environmental Forensics and Public Health
  • Legacy and Emerging Contaminants
  • Nature-Inspired Sustainable Environmental Solutions

: 14
: 19

Completed Funded Project Details

Title Funding Agency
Assessment of Size Segregated Airborne Particulate Matter and its Health Effects DST-SERB

Books / Book Chapters Published Details

Title Publisher Published Year
Estimation of PM2.5 related hospital admissions and its monetary burden in Hyderabad, India Springer Nature Singapore 2020
Assessment of biomass burning emissions from India – A comprehensive study Springer Nature Singapore 2021
Application of densely stacked satellite image classification and multinomial logistic regression analysis in predicting urban sprawl , CRC Press, Routledge Taylor and Francis 2022
Temporal downscaling of daily to minute interval precipitation by emulator modelling based genetic optimization CRC Press, Routledge Taylor and Francis 2022
Fine Particulate Matter -Related Disability - Life Adjusted Years in Indian Union Territories Springer Nature Singapore 2024

Awards & Recognitions Details

  • Research article “Land use/land cover and land surface temperature analysis in Wayanad district, India, using satellite imagery”, authoured by Jovish John, G. Bindu, B. Srimuruganandam, Abhinav Wadhwa and Poornima Rajan, published in Annals of GIS 26(4), Pp: 343–360 (Taylor & Francis - Open Access) in 2020 won the 2nd place in most downloaded paper award for papers published in Annals of GIS in 2020.
  • Awarded the prestigious GE Ecomagination Excellence Award for the best thesis in Ph.D in the area of Environmentally friendly (“green”) technologies, ecological and environmental protection for the year 2012 during the 49th Convocation held at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India on 20th July, 2012.
  • Awarded as Academic Excellence for the overall performance in the Ph.D programme (2007-2011) during the Brahmotsav’ 2011 held at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India on 3rd April, 2011.
  • Recognized with Fellowship and Travel Grant for one-month summer school on Sustainable Innovations in India, from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (German Technical Cooperation-GTZ), conducted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, held in Hyderabad, Tirupati and New Delhi, India in 2009.
  • Awarded Institute Research Fellowship from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India from 2007 to 2010.

Other Information